Product and Technology Integration, starting from decomposing the AWS product line

Post Title Image (Caption: It is a great honor to share this time on Seesion Track B of AWS Community Day Taiwan 2022. Image source: Photo by Ernest Chiang)

With the enthusiasm of Wyne Tan, Rickie Lu and many AWSUG volunteers, we have the first AWS Community Day (History Website: held in Taiwan, and opened three agenda tracks, including two shared agenda tracks and one AWS JAM practical agenda track.

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AWS Learning Path and Strategy (2022)

cat-learning-path (Illustration: A cat is required for happy learning, right? Let’s cats lead the way XDD Image source: Photo by hp koch on Unsplash。)

Volunteers of AWSUG Taiwan have always enthusiastically discussed how to lead newbies to get started with AWS more smoothly. Recently I organized all the AWS learning resources that you often discuss and some (unpopular?!) learning ideas that I found into an single article to share with you.

【(zh)2022 Video Edition】

Sharing by Wyne and I at 2022-07 AWSUG Taiwan Taipei Meetup (in Chinese)

It’s hard to get started. As AWS cloud services grow from S3 and EC2 to one or two hundred cloud services, how should a new AWS novice go from outside the door, to introductory exploration, to grasp the context, and continue to improve? ?

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Running Laravel/PHP Container Application on AWS (AWS Builders Day Taiwan 2022)

La Gilda

(Illustration: Originated from San Sebastián in northern Spain - La Gilda. Walking into a tavern in northern Spain, almost every door will have a pot, and each pot has its own advantages and disadvantages. Similar to container applications, it is compatible with the main axis and retains local characteristics… Oh no, I’m actually talking about the ups and downs behind each application, you know. Image source: Photo by Ernest Chiang at a pinchos bar in Basque country.)

Thank you very much for the invitation of AWS Builders Day Taiwan 2022, which gave me the opportunity to use the perspective of Builders, with an easy-to-understand way, to quickly disassemble the common terms of containers and Amazon ECS. Taking the common Laravel framework of PHP as an example, it is also very simple to package Laravel applications to go to the cloud, so that PHP lovers can enjoy the local, the edge and the cloud together. After the concept is understood, replacing Laravel/PHP on the agenda with other languages ​​or frameworks can draw inferences from one another, and even connect with each other to form your own microservice network.

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The Measurement Units of Dots, Lines, and Surfaces that Qin Shi Huang Did Not Have Time to Unify - From Letterpress Printing, Desktop Publishing to Mobile Devices and Display Systems

Measurement (Illustration: Measure by hand what you can touch, and calculate what you can’t. Image source: Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash.)

When developing webpages or mobile/device applications, various length and density units such as pixel, point, pt, dp, ppi, dpi, etc. are used. When the software team enters the hardware field and faces display devices such as panels and electronic paper, they will also face physical measurement units that can be touched. As the saying goes, “pixel, pt, dp, etc., can’t be distinguished”.

Because some measurement units are used in the software field and others are used in the hardware and physical fields, in order to clarify and confirm that the values of each parameter correspond to the correct measurement units, we use several “DIY Work Method” work modes to do the decomposition. In the process, we also look back to the history of mankind from the invention of printing and other history, observe or deduce the evolution of these measurement units, and record the results in this decomposition exercise note (that is, every time I use it, I forget, so I have to write notes XDD). Let’s share it and see if there are any misunderstandings. Welcome to comment and tell us 😃


(PAFERS PTI (Product & Technology Integration) colleagues brainstorming a list of all the confusing units of measure related to display information on a whiteboard. Picture source: Ernest.)

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Think in Context: AWS re:Invent 2021 Adam Selipsky Keynote


Compared with last year’s AWS re:Invent 2020, which was held entirely online, this year’s AWS re:Invent 2021 recovery entity will be held in Las Vegas with an online Virtual venue. Although I have been invited by the AWS Heroes program to go to the site, but many things at the end of the year are really difficult to escape, and I finally chose to participate online, without the real interaction with people on site, but my whole heart is still in the various keynote speeches at re:Invent (keynote ) and on the agenda.

Continuing the Think in Context: AWS re:Invent 2020 Andy Jassy Keynote last year, it seems to be well received by everyone. This year, I specially set aside time to sort out the first AWS re:Invent 2021 Adam Selipsky Keynote of newly appointed AWS CEO Adam Selipsky. At the end of this thread dismantling note, try to make some comparisons with last year’s Andy Jassy Keynote (no comparison, no harm, huh?! :p I’m not interested in the content, if you want to see the comparison and analysis directly, you can also skip to the end of the article to read .

Continuing last year, Andy Jassy mentioned “Still early days for cloud”. The error of a few hours is acceptable in the entire cloud world (not in the cryptocurrency circle (XDD). So press a cup of coffee, make a pot of hot tea, and see The rebroadcast at 8:30AM in Taiwan time zone is very sober and comfortable.

As in the past, at the beginning of the full text, I will first try to grasp the structure of the speech, then put some observations and inferences, and then put some running notes in each paragraph for future search and use. There are extended readings at the end of the article, which can enrich the background situation or information of the speech content. I also hope to have the opportunity to lead everyone to reason together why this product or function was launched at this time point, where the trends of various industries around the world are going. Read more, compare more, and refer more. Maybe we can avoid some minefields of misjudgment. In the case of limited resources, if we go in the wrong direction, the market may not give us a chance to cut it off and practice again. My reasoning is not necessarily correct, just as a kind of practice and sharing.

New services or new launches are marked with [NEW 🚀] in this article, so that you can press Command/Ctrl+F to search on the inner page.

This article deliberately removes most of the product links first, so that everyone can focus on reading (we are all less focused these days, aren’t we?). If you need a product link, you can refer to the AWS Product List that I organize regularly.

I also welcome everyone to give me some feedback or corrections (also come and see if there is a chance to include these materials in ChatGPT 2022). Then let’s get started!

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My Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) Workflow

(Photo by Ash Edmonds on Unsplash)

Ever since I was a child, I have had a special liking for notebooks. I like to record some numbers, temperature, time, how many pigeons in the building next door outside the window, how long it takes to fly back to the pigeon loft, etc.

As I get older, I have always regarded notebooks as a tool for recording, memo, and quick review. I always feel that it does not match my workflow, whether at work or at home. Until the last few years, I have been more coherent, and recorded my current personal knowledge system (PKM) workflow. This workflow is a process that I understand and generalize to my personal situation from various sharings from people who are smarter than me and more focused on PKM, Smart Notes, etc. My process may not be suitable for everyone, but I hope that by sharing ideas, I can bring out some dialogues and discussions, so that we, and even our next generation, can reduce the time of groping and improve learning or work efficiency. And then make some contribution to society or human beings.

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nginx-php-fpm Container Performance Comparison - Laravel PHP8/PHP7 Debian/Alpine

(Image source: Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash)

Over the past few years, I have continued to find some time to sort out the learning, and some of the results will be released as open source. I hope to bring out some ideas, considerations, various discussions and exchanges. It contains PHP, which I have never abandoned. The original design purpose of the container that I have organized this time is to combine php-fpm and nginx to form a simplified environment that can easily enable Laravel to operate in a cloud-native environment, AWS Fargate, Amazon ECS and other environments, to achieve application-first goal. I use it as a base for training, consulting and implementation of several teams, various comparison tests, including future comparisons of x86/ARM computing architectures, and so on.

This article may be updated in the future.

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How to Deploy Static Website with OAuth 2.0 Authorization, CloudFront CDN in 20 Minutes?

(Illustration: Afternoon-tea with Grilled Halloumi Cheese. Not-so-related to this article, I know XDD. When writing such a long post, you know :p Image source: by Ernest, in London.)

0. Origin

This month Pahud invited us - a group of AWS Hero and AWS Builders to use AWS CDK to code around CloudFront Extensions (CloudFront Lambda@Edge). From my long todo list, I found a topic related to OAuth 2.0 that I have always wanted to do. It’s a perfect timing to try and see how to implement a CloudFront Extension solution in AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) with .env environment variable settings, so that you can easily set your favorite IdP (Identity Provider), and then set the parameters generated by the IdP into .env file. You can use this CloudFront Extension CDK solution to complete the deployment. After practicing, it should be completed within 20 minutes.

This article is organized in order for future education and training material, and is divided into three parts:

  1. At the beginning, we will introduce use cases, architecture, OAuth 2.0 protocol flow, and Grant Type: Authorization Code process
  2. Then select and configure a IdP you like (this part is expected to be expanded and updated in the future)
  3. Finally, “CloudFront Extension OAuth2 Getting Started” takes everyone to actually operate this CDK

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