筆記: (AWS re:Invent 2020 IOT291) Connect today, transform tomorrow with AWS IoT



Dirk Didascalou (VP, IoT, AWS) 以 “If you knew the state of every thing and could reason on top of that data…” “What problems would you solve?” 破題,帶出 IoT 兩大用途 Operational efficiencyRevenue growth,以及 三個迭代循環進程 Edge and devices, Connectivity and control, Analytics and ML/AI,以此架構介紹當今全球使用 AWS IoT 的現況(上萬客戶、90% Fortune 100、0.5B+ Active endpoints per month、0.5T+ Payload messages per month),以及 1NCE、Lenovo、Carrier、HITACHI Lumada、Univ of MELBOURNE 等的產界學界案例介紹。

在介紹轉變明日時,開頭就先講 AWS 是跟著客戶一起開發新功能的,並在 AWS 的四個進程變化中帶入顏色,由基礎設施打底之後,往分析與工業方向走。並以五個問題來介紹今年對應的幾個主要功能發布。最後介紹紐澳的 Vector 能源公司做結尾,用 app store 概念介紹能源應用也是滿好讓人理解的好說法。


Connect today, transform tomorrow with AWS IoT


  • Dirk Didascalou, AWS Speaker, VP IoT, AWS
    • Microsoft
    • Nokia
    • BenQ
    • Siemens AG
  • Simon Mackenzie, Group Chief Executive - Vector
  • Nikhil Ravishankar, Chief Digital Officer - Vector



  • If you knew the state of every thing and could reason on top of that data…
    • What problems would you solve?
  • What customers are doing wtih AWS IoT?
    • Operational efficiency (IoT data decreases OpEx)
      • Data-driven
      • Intelligent decisions
      • Increased efficiency
    • Revenue growth (IoT data drives business growth)
      • Better relationships
      • Better products
      • New business models
  • IoT virtuous cycle
    • Edge and devices (yellow)
    • Connectivity and control (green)
    • Analytics and ML/AI (blue)
    • Note: 顏色貫穿整場演講投影片
  • Edge and devices
    • AWS IoT Greengrass
    • FreeRTOS
    • AWS IoT Device SDK
    • AWS IoT Device Tester
    • AWS RoboMaker
    • AWS Snowball Edge
    • AWS Storage Gateway
    • AWS Outposts
    • AWS Wavelength
  • Connectivity and control
    • AWS IoT Core
    • AWS IoT Device Management
    • AWS IoT Device Defender
    • AWS Kinesis
    • AWS IAM
  • Analytics and ML/AI
    • AWS IoT SiteWise
    • AWS IoT Analytics
    • AWS IoT Events
    • AWS IoT Things Graph
    • Amazon SageMaker
    • Amazon Athena
    • Amazon QuickSight
    • Amazon RDS
    • Amazon Timestream
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Amazon S3
  • Achieve business outcomes faster
    • Build: AWS IoT Services
    • Engage: AWS Partners
    • Deploy: Ready-made solutions
  • AWS IoT partnership approach
    • Note: 前面講三個,後面馬上接 partnership 意圖很明顯惹,大部分情況下這個可能最快 XD
    • Edge to Outcome Partner Value Chain
    • Edge to device
      • Silicon
      • ODM/CM
      • OEM
    • Connectivity
      • Gateway
      • Network/Carrier
    • Solution to outcome
      • ISV
      • Regional SI
      • Global SI
  • 4 mechanisms
    • Note: 整合過程中有這四種機制做保護與保證,縮短時程
    • Silicon Acceleration
    • Device Qualification
    • GSI/SI Practices
    • IoT Solutions
  • AWS IoT Edge-to-Outcome Community

Connect today

  • Customers choose AWS IoT
    • 10s of thousands Customers
    • >90% Fortune 100 use AWS Partners and solutions
    • >0.5B Active endpoints per month
    • >0.5T Payload messages per month
    • >300 AWS and Partners IoT solutions
    • >500 Qualified partner devices
    • #1 Real-time OS FreeRTOS 4x segment market share (35%) vs. next-closer competitor
  • Case: 1NCE
    • Offering secure and easy-to-handle cellular connectivity for IoT devices.
    • Full integration with AWS IoT using 1NCE IoT Connectivity Suite.
    • Global connectivity to Tier 1 mobile networks.
    • Accelerated IoT solution deployment.
    • Flat-rate pricing.
    • AWS Marketplace (contact 1NCE if you need more)
  • Case: Lenovo
    • Commercial IoT management platform for intelligent solutions
    • Built on AWS IoT to monitor at scale across millions of devices and billions of messages
    • Uniform management offers multiple solutions in one platform
    • Maximize uptime and ROI
  • Case: Carrier
    • Lynx platform to optimize cold chian operations for perishable foods and medication
    • Built on AWS IoT to manage temperature-controlled transport and storage of perishables at scale
    • Reduce waste with low cargo spoilage
    • Low logistic costs
  • Case: HITACHI
    • A leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Industrial IoT Platforms
    • Lumada can be deployed with AWS IoT services to deliver advanced digital industrial solutions.
    • End-to-end customer experience (from design to solution) makes it easy to adopt IIoT solution
    • Reduce energy costs, identify equipment issues, and improve product quality.
  • Case: Univ of MELBOURNE
    • Smart campus initiative for space utilization, energy reporting, and safe buildings.
    • Use AWS IoT to collect sensor data, from energy meters to connected hand sanitizers.
    • >$400k savings in 2020
    • Proactive service maintenance
    • Safe return to campus

Transform Tomorrow

  • A customer-centric roadmap
    • Connectivity, iRobot, 2015/2016 AWS IoT Core
    • Edge, enel, 2016/2017 AWS IoT Greengrass + FreeRTOS
    • Control and analytics, PHILIP, 2017/2018 AWS IoT Device Management, AWS IoT Device Defender, AWS IoT Analytics
    • Analytics / industrial, Bayer CropScience, 2019/2020 AWS IoT Events, AWS IoT SiteWise
    • Note: 可以留意投影片上這四個進程的顏色變化,基礎設施打底之後往分析與工業方向走

How can I easily build and manage IoT device software at the edge?

  • AWS IoT Greengrass
    • Security and AWS Secrets Manager
    • Local Messaging
    • Local Actions
    • Container Support
    • Stream Manager
    • ML Inference
  • AWS IoT Greengrass 2.0
    • A flexible edge platform to easily build, deploy, and manage device software across millions of devices
    • Completely modular
    • Deploy device software at scale
    • Locally deployable and configurable
    • NEW! AWS IoT Greengrass is now open source!
  • Case: Arthrex
    • Leading provider of orthopedic (骨科) products, building the next-generation smart hub for operating room devices
    • Use AWS IoT Greengrass for offline data processing for mission-critical device communication
    • Improved visibility into procedure statuses and better patient outcomes

How can I ensure my FreeRTOS libraries and maintained and secure?

  • FreeRTOS long-term support (FreeRTOS LTS)
    • Get predictability and feature stability for two years with FreeRTOS LTS libraries.
    • Feature stability
    • Security updates and critical fixes
    • Updateable, secure connectivity
  • Case: SOLshare
    • SOLshare pioneered a peer-to-peer solar energy trading microgrid, supporting affordable electricity for Bangladesh communities
    • Use FreeRTOS LTS on constrained MCUs for microgrid logic connecting securely to AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS IoT Core
    • Managing a fleet of peer-to-peer microgrid devices
    • Gathering telemetry data for advanced analytices

How can I easily connect LoRaWAN devices to AWS?

  • [NEW!] AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN
    • Connect LoRaWAN devices to AWS IoT Core without developing or operating a LoRa Network Server
    • Managed LoRa Network Server
    • Fast application development
    • Best-in-class pricing
  • Case: ComplianceMate
    • Allow restaurants, convenient stores, and hospitality to monitor and maintain compliance to food safety regulations of perishable goods.
    • Use AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN to connect temperature sensors in restaurant refrigeration and freezer units.
    • Ensure cusomter food safety while reducing risk of food perishing

How can I quickly monitor and troubleshoot my IoT fleets remotely?

  • [NEW!] Fleet Hub for AWS IoT Device Management
    • Fully managed web application to view and interact with your device fleets connected to AWS
    • Integrate with existing identity systems
    • Deploy in minutes with no code
    • Interact with your fleets

How can I monitor my industrial assets on the shop floor?

  • AWS IoT SiteWise Edge
    • Collect, process, and visualize equipment data on premises, even when disconnected, before sending it to AWS Cloud destinations
    • Local data collections and processing
    • Locally monitor and visualize assets
    • Disconnected operation with consistent asset models
    • Runs on third-party gateways, AWS Outposts, or AWS Snow Family
  • More great new AWS IoT features
    • AWS IoT EduKit
    • AWS IoT Core
      • Apache Kafka Actions & AWS VPC Actions for Rules Engine
    • AWS IoT Device Defender
      • ML Detect (in preview)
      • Custom Metrics
    • AWS IoT SiteWise
      • Alarms (in preview)
      • Grafana Plugin
    • AWS IoT Events
      • Alarms (in preview)
  • Case: VOLKSWAGAN Group
    • One of the largest Industry 4.0 projects – Digital Production Platform – key lever to boost plant productivity by 30%
    • A global platform built using AWS IoT, combining data from machines, systems, and plants.
    • Production and supply chain use cases across 120+ plants
    • Costs savings of sereral billion euros expected
    • Integrating suppliers and partners worldwide
  • Case: Blackberry QNX
    • IVY, in-vehicle intelligent edge software solution for next-generation automative experiences
    • Cutomers can use AWS IoT edge and cloud services to collect insights and use data to enhance machine learning capability
    • New vehicle insights and in-vehicle experiences
    • Auto OEMs retain total ownership and control of vehicle data

Introducing Vector

  • Vector: creating a new energy future
    • On the New Zealand stock exchange, market cap $4.4B
    • Majority owned by community trust – Entrust, ensuring alignment between customers and shareholders
    • Operate in NZ, Australia, Pacific Islands
  • Single-Flow
    • Generation
    • Transmission
    • Distribution
    • Home/Business
  • The real case
  • Vector model: The New Energy Platform
    • An app store for energy-specific apps
    • The first app is the meter information app
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