AWS re:Invent 2022 拆解整合上手包: 五萬人開發者大會,只看一場看不懂?Hero 帶你鳥瞰全局,滿滿七小時四場主題演講

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個人工作之餘的興趣是,沉浸在大量、複雜、沒有頭緒的訊息流當中,藉由拆解、整合,釐清思緒。另一方面是全球 AWS Heros Program 的各種支持,除了可以沉浸於一整週 AWS re:Invent 年度開發者大會訊息流之中,並且可以近距離與全球兩百多位不同視角、不同觀點、不同專業的 AWS Hero 們對談請益。這些滿出來的收穫,在回程班機上, 除了滿腦子想著待會要去哪兒逛銀杏夜景、吃壽司(ㄟ等等,這篇不是要寫遊記…) ,滿腦子在嘗試各種連結收整的方式,本篇是其中之一。

本篇【AWS re:Invent 2022 拆解整合上手包】著重於:

  • 從 7 個小時、4 場主題演講、4 個面向,如何觀察 AWS 佈局?
  • 從「領導者、品牌、公關、行銷、產品、技術、工程」等不同角色,該如何分工消化各場主題演講?
  • 提取資訊後,如何整合回到企業策略、產品開發?


本文分享於 2022-12-15 AWSUGTW Taipei Meetup 之加料版【AWS re:Invent 2022 拆解整合上手包】簡報:


  • 依照發生的時間順序
    • 週一晚上 1 小時 👉 Monday Night Live Keynote with Peter DeSantis
    • 週二早上 2 小時 👉 Adam Selipsky Keynote
    • 週三早上 2 小時 👉 Swami Sivasubramanian Keynote
    • 週四早上 2 小時 👉 Werner Vogels Keynote
  • 他們是誰?
    • Peter DeSantis 👉 SVP, AWS Utility Computing
    • Adam Selipsky 👉 CEO, AWS
    • Swami Sivasubramanian 👉 VP, Data and Machine Learning, AWS
    • Werner Vogels 👉 VP and CTO
  • 目標對象
    • Monday Night Live Keynote with Peter DeSantis 👉 Engineering
    • Adam Selipsky Keynote 👉 Leadership, Strategy
    • Swami Sivasubramanian Keynote 👉 Marketing, Data
    • Werner Vogels Keynote 👉 Technology


Adam Selipsky Keynote

  • 大綱
    • 1️⃣ Vast 廣闊 👉 Space 太空 👉 Data 資料
    • 2️⃣ Unfathomable 深不可測 👉 Deep Sea 深海 👉 Security 安全
    • 3️⃣ Extreme 極端 👉 Antarctica 南極 👉 Compute 運算
    • 4️⃣ Possibilities 各種可能性 👉 Imagination 想像 👉 Application 產業應用
  • 1️⃣ Vast 廣闊
    • ✳️ Exploring the vast data realm
      • [NEW 🚀] OpenSearch Service Serverless (Preview)
    • ✳️ Integration 👉 ETL 惡夢 👉 A Zero ETL future…
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Redshift integration for Apache Spark (GA)
    • ✳️ Governance
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon DataZone (Coming Soon)
    • ✳️ Insights
      • [NEW 🚀] Operational paginated reports
      • [NEW 🚀] ML-powered forecasting with Q (GA Today!)
  • 2️⃣ Unfathomable 深不可測
    • ✳️ OCSF - Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Security Lake (Available in Preview Today)
  • 3️⃣ Extreme 極端
    • ✳️ Graviton3 - 25% faster than Graviton2
      • [NEW 🚀] C7gn Instance for EC2, Powered by Graviton3 (Available in Preview Today)
    • ✳️ Machine Learning
      • [NEW 🚀] Inf2 Instances for EC2 (Available in Preview Today)
    • ✳️ High Performance Computing (HPC)
      • Compute and network intensive - [NEW 🚀] Hpc7g (Coming soon)
      • Data and memory intensive - [NEW 🚀] Hpc6id (GA Today)
    • ✳️ Spatial Simulation
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS SimSpace Weaver (GA) - Run massive spatial simulations without managing infra
  • 4️⃣ Possibilities 各種可能性
    • ✳️ Removing constraints
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Supply Chain (Preview Today)
    • ✳️ Combining disparate ideas
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Clean Rooms (Preview in a few weeks)
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Omics (GA)

完整閱讀 👉 【脈絡拆解: AWS re:Invent 2022 Adam Selipsky Keynote

Swami Sivasubramanian Keynote

Dots 👉 Connect the dots

  • 大綱: Core elements of a data strategy
    • 1️⃣ Build future-proof foundations - supported by core data services
    • 2️⃣ Weave connective tissue - across your organization
    • 3️⃣ Democratize data - with tools and education
  • 1️⃣ Build future-proof foundations 👉 在建構未來的基礎基石,需要四個要素
    • ✳️ Tools for every workload
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Athena for Apache Spark (GA Today)
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Redshift Integration for Apache Spark (GA Today)
    • ✳️ Performance at scale
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters (GA Today)
    • ✳️ Removing heavy lifting - 簡化管理 - 不拿石頭砸自己的腳、請把石頭搬開
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon SageMaker now supports Geospatial ML (Available in Preview Today)
    • ✳️ Reliability and scalability
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Redshift Multi-AZ (Available in Preview Today)
  • 2️⃣ Weave connective tissue
    • ✳️ Strong and adaptive - Quality tools and data drive future growth
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Glue Data Quality (Available in Preview Today)
    • ✳️ Governed by a system of cooperation - Data governance connects siloed teams
      • [NEW 🚀] Centralized Access Controls for Redshift Data Sharing (Available in preview Today)
    • ✳️ Pathways to vital resources - Connected data stores are critical for survival
      • Investing in a Zero ETL future 👉 呼應 CEO Adam 主題演講,但加碼另外兩個
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon Redshift auto-copy from S3 (Available in Preview Today)
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon AppFlow now offers 50+ connectors
      • [NEW 🚀] Access 40+ new data sources from Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler
  • 3️⃣ Democratize data
    • ✳️ A wider net for innovation
    • ✳️ Limited access to education
    • [NEW 🚀] AWS ML University now provides educator training (GA Today)

完整閱讀 👉 【脈絡拆解: AWS re:Invent 2022 Swami Sivasubramanian Keynote

Werner Vogels Keynote

  • 大綱
    • 1️⃣ Asynchrony!!
    • 2️⃣ The world is multidimensional 👉 3D, simulation
  • 1️⃣ Asynchrony!!
    • Amazon S3 Design Principles 👉 拆解鳥類飛行 bird murmuration
    • The world is Asynchronous
    • Workflows enable us to build applications from loosely coupled components.
    • Listen, learn, improve
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Step Functions Distributed Map (GA Today)
    • The world is event-driven
    • All complex systems that work, evolved from simpler systems that worked — GALL’S LAW
    • Simplifying the complex
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Application Composer (Available in Preview Today)
    • The spider in the web 👉 從鳥類講到蜘蛛!
    • in our world, the event bus is the spider in the web.
    • Events are composable
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon EventBridge Pipes (GA Today) 👉 又一個把多種服務連起來的產品!
    • Guest: Angela Timofte, Director of Engineering, Trustpilot
    • AWS Heroes
    • Event-driven architectures enable global scale
    • The world is built on patterns
      • [NEW 🚀] Amazon CodeCatalyst (Available in Preview Today) 👉 開發流程加速,可以期待一下這個!
    • Event-driven architectures help development teams move faster
  • 2️⃣ 3D, simulation
    • Example: James Taylor & Son 百年老店的數位轉型
    • A 3D models is worth a thousand pictures. —> Photogrammetry
    • 3D will soon be as pervasive as video —> 趨勢預言!
    • The fusion of models, sensors and data.
    • Visualize everything
    • Guest: Nathan Thomas, VP, Unreal Engine, Epic Games
    • AWS Ambit Scenario Designer 👉 二月就發表了
    • Experiment, measure, learn —> Simulation
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS SimSpace Weaver (GA)
    • What about the future?
    • Curiosity with Dr. Werner Vogels
    • Simulate everything

完整閱讀 👉 【脈絡拆解: AWS re:Invent 2022 Werner Vogels Keynote

Monday Night Live Keynote with Peter DeSantis

  • 大綱
    • 1️⃣ Performance
    • 2️⃣ Foundational models
    • 3️⃣ Serverless computing
  • 1️⃣ Performance
    • AWS Nitro
      • [NEW 🚀] AWS Nitro v5 (GA Today)
      • [NEW 🚀] C7gn EC2 instance (Available in Preview Today)
    • Graviton3
      • [NEW 🚀] Graviton3E
      • [NEW 🚀] HPC7g EC2 instance (Coming soon)
    • Hardware and Software
    • EFA: Elastic Fabric Adapter —> AWS custom networking interface
    • SRD: Scalable Reliable Datagram —> networking protocol for low latency networking
    • TCP
    • What else could we do with SRD?
      • [NEW 🚀] All new EBS io2 volumes will be running on SRD (Coming soon)
      • [NEW 🚀] ENA Express
  • 2️⃣ Foundational models
    • The next step function change in ML model size
    • Trn1
    • Scale Out
    • [NEW 🚀] Trn1n Instances for EC2 (Coming Soon)
    • Guest: Jock Clear, Senior Race Engineer and Driving Coach for Charles Leclerc at Scuderia Ferrari.
  • 3️⃣ Serverless computing
    • AWS Lambda
    • Process isolation
    • Firecracker
    • How can we make cold starts faster?
    • [NEW 🚀] AWS Lambda SnapStart (GA Today)

完整閱讀 👉 【脈絡拆解: AWS re:Invent 2022 Monday Night Live Keynote With Peter Desantis


  • 行有餘力,將自己對應領域的主題演講錄影影片看過至少一遍,運用上述大綱,延伸紀錄自己的想法、摘要。
    • 開始看主題演講錄影影片之前,先複習自己的組織目標、產品目標。
    • 一邊看主題演講錄影影片、一邊交叉對照、聯想自己的組織目標、產品目標。可能會有不同的想法。想到就寫下來。
    • 看完主題演講錄影影片之後,嘗試交叉聯想自己寫下來的各個想法,跟原本的目標作對照。
    • 與其他人討論、與同學同事討論、與客戶討論、與主管討論。
    • 如果討論尚不可行,先嘗試單方向分享,再嘗試引發問題、形成討論。
  • 將這篇【AWS re:Invent 2022 拆解整合上手包】文章整理進筆記系統、或知識系統,並於行事曆設定每兩個月將本文拉出來花 15-30 分鐘,再與當時的組織目標,對照一次。
    • 如果你的產業與 AWS 某個產品線高度相關,將本文當作指北針使用。
    • 交叉對照其他產業、研討會主題演講或趨勢。
    • 交叉對照自己客戶的回饋資訊,這是你的優勢,你的第一手資訊。
  • 動手玩、動手嘗試、動手打造 (Now Go Build!)

延伸閱讀 土砲型產品開發框架 (Product Development Framework) 👉 【產品與技術整合,從拆解 AWS 產品線開始


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